Monday, October 16, 2006

Search and Research #7

I'm sure this happens to every person at a library, and usually the patron is very apologetic, however...I think we all like to gloat a little when the patron is unapologetic, huffy, or otherwise rude in these situations.

I'm sure that some strip somewhere has done this Mastercard commercial but I haven't personally seen it, so please don't hate me for turning it to my own purposes.

Also, this is strip number 7! If you were enjoying this in a newspaper, this would be one week of strips! We will be celebrating this in strip #8, so stay tuned! Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

And where did you get an MLS for only $15,000? I'd like to go there! Great strip!

Tarleton Libraries said...

It is about time academic libraries got a strip. Great job. Keep up the good work.

Jason said...

Awesome... Great strip!

Eli Moody said...

Thanks everyone! As for tuition, my wife is currently signed up for a distance program in state that will wind up costing $12,000 she tells me, so I bumped my number in the strip up to $15,000 to account for fees and stuff....